Local Site visit in Borlänge in Tjärna Ängar area built by Stora Tunabyggen AB.
The site visit was arranged as a part of the two-day kick-off meeting in Borlänge. The aim was to understand how an installation of low-temperature heating systems using modern supply air radiators and heat recovery with a heat pump was designed. It was a very interesting visit with a discussion about similar implementations in other cities in the future.
A big thank you to Jonn Are Myhren, Dalarna University, Stora Tunabyggen, and all the PED-ACT participants.
The PED-ACT project has been Kicked off!
The PED-ACT project aims to optimize the process iteratively of PED development for enhanced stakeholder cooperation and reinforced decision-making.
The Kick-off meeting was successfully organized on the 6th and 7th Oct Dalarna University in Borlänge. Nearly 18 experts from Austria, Turkey, and Sweden were present to discuss the action plan for the project and its deliverables.
Stakeholder meetings were organized to keep the discussion flow between academic researchers and the requirements of municipalities of different cities. The first workshop was held at the same time with a focus on the Jakobsgårdarna district with fruitful discussion among partners, Borlänge Kommun and Stora Tunabyggen. A big thank you to all the project partners!
Kıck-off meetıng
Our kick-off meeting was held with the attendance of our partners from Dalarna University, Borlänge Municipality, Umeå University, Umeå Energy, Demir Energy, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, Izmir Institute of Technology, Wonderland, and Austrian Institute of Technology at Högskolan Dalarna, Borlänge, Sweden on 5-7 October 2022.