work packages

The overall strategy of the work plan

PED-ACT will adopt an iterative approach for innovation of the PED process among partners and case cities to achieve the project objectives. It will specifically implement the proposed process in four cities and one county in Sweden, Turkey and Austria. The work package structure in the figure below is designed to clearly identify tasks and interconnected relationships.

Figure: Work Package Structure

WP1 is a transverse work package that will deal with the overall management and coordination of the project. WP1 will monitor the project quality and deliverable submission among other management tasks. There will be an expert to support the communication of project progress with PED Programme Management in WP2. The data of both existing PEDs and the case cities will be collected in WP3, which will be input for the interactive common database in WP4. WP5 will carry out the in-depth learning of the existing PEDs from the database, with an input of a matrix for multi-criteria characterization in WP6. Thanks to the co-learning and co-design process, the digital PED references for case cities could be generated using the data in WP3 and the outcome in WP6. WP7 will further exploit the techno-socio-economic feasibility of digital PED references using the results in WP3-WP6, which in turn input into the development of replication plans. Meanwhile, WP6 will trigger the overall iterated workflow from WP2 to WP7. WP8 will finally enable the widespread of PED-ACT outcomes, by launching concepts and solutions beyond the project consortium, and project lifetime, towards the market, through communication and dissemination activities.
