PED-ACT Team visited ODTÜ-GÜNAM the Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications in Ankara. ODTÜ-GÜNAM was founded by an initiative from the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ/METU) in 2009 as a multi-discipliner research center. They explained their visions to strengthen society by creating fundamental knowledge through research that supports innovation in solar energy at national, EU and global levels; facilitating R&I at national, EU and global levels by providing scientific services and access to unique scientific facilities to researchers and industry; developing human capacities through training and education to strengthen R&I capacities and culture in Turkey specifically and at EU and global levels more generally; identifying and exploiting Intellectual Property (IP) created at ODTÜ-GUNAM; and supporting the market-uptake of solar energy technologies in Turkey by providing scientific consulting to ministries to craft appropriate regulations and policies (ODTÜ-GÜNAM, 2023). You can visit for more information.
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