PED-ACT Joins DUT Conference in Brussels

PED-ACT Joins DUT Conference in Brussels

Towards the 2030 Sustainability Goals, the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership DUT Conference gathered international leaders and experts to Brussels. They kick-started 48 projects to support EU mission of climate-neutral cities, EU Green Deal, and the EU’s Urban Agenda.

The DUT programme highlights were;

1️⃣Discover the key instruments deployed by the DUT Partnership to amplify the impact of research and innovation.
2️⃣Learn from cities at the forefront of implementing the 15-minute City, Circular Urban Economies, and Positive Energy Districts strategies.
3️⃣Be inspired by Urban Doers and novel approaches in projects financed by DUT.
4️⃣Get new insights from expert panels on drivers behind change and new research areas in mission driven context.
5️⃣Celebrate the DUT projects funded in the first DUT call.

Our PED-ACT Project Team was there to present our work and our project poster, and discuss the key challenges to tackle for a sustainable future. PED-ACT’s unique cases for Sweden, Austria, and Turkiye presented to have an open conversation about #urbantransformation and #energytransition within the #ped framework.

We would like to thank our partners from Högskolan Dalarna, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, and wonderland platform for european architecture for representing us in this fruitful event.

PED-ACT Stakeholder Workshop at Karşıyaka, Izmir

PED-ACT Stakeholder Workshop at Karşıyaka, Izmir

Last week we had the time to collaborate and think together about İzmir! PED-ACT’s WP6 “Co-learning Processes and Co-design Strategies” leader wonderland platform for european architecture organized this workshop which is hosted by Karşıyaka Belediyesi and facilitated by İzmir Institute of Technology.

This stakeholder engagement workshop at the Karşıyaka Synagogue Building had attendees from public bodies, citizens, NGOs, the private sector, academia, and local government.

Several bodies from Karşıyaka Municipality attended the workshop as the Climate Change and Zero Waste Directorate, Planning and Project Directorate, Urban Vision Unit, and Citizen Participation Unit, as well as representatives from Demir Enerji Danismanlik and İzmir Institute of Technology. Ozlem Senyol and Alp Erdoğan have presented their work regarding the district of Karşıyaka. PED-ACT project goals and progress were briefly presented by Eylem Keskin (IZTECH).

Wonderland’s Bahanur Nasya moderated the workshop with their collaborative framework for PED-ACT. Each participant joined the discussion and steered the conversation into the prolific realms of co-creation.

Yilmaz Vurucu played their short film in the scope of Open Heritage, the Stara Trznica Old Market Hall. Bahanur Nasya (moderator) and Yilmaz Vurucu have also filmed interviewing actors for the PED-ACT project.

The PED-ACT team also visited the demo site for an updated feasibility study and also examined the Solar Power Plant in the north. We are hoping to deliver more good news from Izmir!

We would like to thank all of our participants and our team members for this fruitful event!

Karşıyaka/İzmir Stakeholder Workshop

Karşıyaka/İzmir Stakeholder Workshop

In the PED-ACT project, we aim to make energy consumption and production sustainable in regional units. This project, which is carried out at an international level, carries out studies in five different prototype regions in three countries. It is investigating ways to transform these regions into Positive Energy Regions (PED).

Now, it is time to collaborate and think together about İzmir! PED-ACT’s WP6 “Co-learning Processes and Co-design Strategies” leader Wonderland is going to lead this workshop, hosted by Karşıyaka Municipality and facilitated by Izmir Institute of Technology (WP8 Leader).

The workshop will take place in Karşıyaka Municipality building Kal Kadoş Synagogue on 26th of March, Tuesday starting at 9:30.

We are hoping to meet our guests there!

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme: Positive Energy Districts

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme: Positive Energy Districts

Dalarna University is thrilled to offer a new Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) for graduate-level exchange students. With its two weeks of study (one in Sweden/one online) and international student group, this BIP promises to be a unique educational experience for 3 ECTS credits.

This course will be coordinated by Prof. Xingxing Zhang, the project coordinator of PED-ACT and professor of Energy and Environmental Technology in School of Information and Engineering in Dalarna University. 

The two-week programme aims to support the capacity-building of students in Master’s and doctoral programmes. The programme will result in the transfer of essential knowledge to relevant stakeholders in the Erasmus+ network who are committed to supporting the development of PEDs and the transformation of cities to carbon-neutral status. This course will take place in the new campus of Dalarna University, which is one of the most modern campuses in Sweden.

This course is jointly developed by researchers from IEA Annex 83 and EU Cost Action CA19126. For more information, please find the link here.

It is recommended to register your interest (for administrative purposes) by 1 March 2024. From 15 March 2024, you can submit your application on

In addition, Dalarna University will pay for the accommodation fees for the first 15 registered students.

Webinar with KOJENTÜRK

Webinar with KOJENTÜRK

We have published our first webinar online!

Bahanur Nasya from the Wonderland Platform for European Architecture, moderated this session on behalf of our project. Our first guest was our stakeholder Turkish Cogeneration Association (KOJENTÜRK).
Yavuz Aydın and Yağmur Bozkurt represented KOJENTÜRK for this webinar. 
We would also like to thank our partners from Karşıyaka Belediyesi, Özlem Şenyol and Yasemin Şentürk.

You can check it out on our YouTube channel!
