PED-ACT Joins DUT Conference in Brussels
Towards the 2030 Sustainability Goals, the Driving Urban Transitions Partnership DUT Conference gathered international leaders and experts to Brussels. They kick-started 48 projects to support EU mission of climate-neutral cities, EU Green Deal, and the EU’s Urban Agenda.
The DUT programme highlights were;
1️⃣Discover the key instruments deployed by the DUT Partnership to amplify the impact of research and innovation.
2️⃣Learn from cities at the forefront of implementing the 15-minute City, Circular Urban Economies, and Positive Energy Districts strategies.
3️⃣Be inspired by Urban Doers and novel approaches in projects financed by DUT.
4️⃣Get new insights from expert panels on drivers behind change and new research areas in mission driven context.
5️⃣Celebrate the DUT projects funded in the first DUT call.
Our PED-ACT Project Team was there to present our work and our project poster, and discuss the key challenges to tackle for a sustainable future. PED-ACT’s unique cases for Sweden, Austria, and Turkiye presented to have an open conversation about #urbantransformation and #energytransition within the #ped framework.
We would like to thank our partners from Högskolan Dalarna, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, and wonderland platform for european architecture for representing us in this fruitful event.